Brad L. Belke Attorney at Law, 444 East Park Street, Butte, MT, 59701-1923, legal services

U.S Legal Services Montana Legal Services Montana - List of United States Legal Services, Attorney

Brad L. Belke Attorney at Law

Company Name: Brad L. Belke Attorney at Law
Status: Active
State: Montana
Post: 59701-1923
County: Silver Bow
City: Butte
Address: 444 East Park Street
Phone: (406)782-9777
Fax: unknown
Email: unknown
Contact : Brad L Belke
Web site: unknown
SIC code: 8111 Industry group: Legal Services, Business category: Legal Services
Employees: 2
Gross Annual Sales (Revenue): 317300
Overall: Brad L. Belke Attorney at Law is a business categorized under legal services, which is part of the larger category legal services. Brad L. Belke Attorney at Law is located at the address 444 East Park Street in Butte, Montana 59701-1923. You can contact by phone (406)782-9777.
Description: Legal Services
  • Family law attorney
In summary:
  • Amazing attention to detail.
  • He has exceeded my expectations!!
Recommended: Yes: 0 No: 0Click here to Inform about a mistake 23 Rating:

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Name: J.B.
Message: The #1 attorney in montana Brad gets the job done right.
Name: A.M.
Message: Amazing attention to detail. Great service from someone who is out to lend you a hand instead of take from you. Would recommend any time.
Name: C.D.
Message: Mr. Belke is a very capable attorney, almost always answers questions promptly and politely. He always tells the client honestly what needs to be done and the time involved.
Name: K.F.
Message: This man is a SHARK but if you are in a fight, that's what you need! He saved me from myself during my divorce and made sure that is got what would be needed to care for my 2 sons without completely destroying my ex! He explains things well and makes sure you know what you are and are NOT entitled to!
Name: R.C.
Message: I'm in the midst of a horrible court case. Brad has been there every step of the way. He has exceeded my expectations!
Name: J.B.
Message: This man helped me save my children from an awful situation best attorney in buttB by far.
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